What Is Clean Cut Pizza?

Are you curious to know what is clean cut pizza? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about clean cut pizza in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is clean cut pizza?

Clean Cut Pizza is a unique and innovative type of pizza that has taken the pizza industry by storm. Unlike traditional pizza, Clean Cut Pizza is made with a patented cutting process that creates a perfectly square slice without any jagged edges or toppings falling off. In this blog post, we will explore what Clean Cut Pizza is, how it’s made, and why it’s becoming so popular.

What Is Clean Cut Pizza?

Clean Cut Pizza is a type of pizza that is made with a patented cutting process that creates a perfectly square slice. This cutting process ensures that each slice has a clean edge, without any jagged edges or toppings falling off. Clean Cut Pizza is also known for its thin crust and unique flavor profile, which includes a blend of cheeses and a signature sauce.

How Is Clean Cut Pizza Made?

Clean Cut Pizza is made using traditional pizza-making methods, with a few key differences. The dough is made from high-quality flour and yeast, and it is rolled out into a thin crust. The sauce is made from a blend of high-quality tomatoes, herbs, and spices, and it is spread evenly across the crust. The cheese blend includes a combination of mozzarella, provolone, and Romano cheeses, which are sprinkled on top of the sauce.

Once the pizza is assembled, it is placed into a special cutting machine that uses a patented cutting process to create perfectly square slices. This cutting process is what sets Clean Cut Pizza apart from traditional pizza, as it ensures that each slice has a clean edge and doesn’t fall apart when picked up.

Why Is Clean Cut Pizza Becoming So Popular?

Clean Cut Pizza is becoming increasingly popular for a few key reasons. First, the patented cutting process creates a unique and visually appealing presentation, which is perfect for sharing on social media. Second, the clean edges of each slice make it easy to eat without making a mess, which is perfect for on-the-go eating. Finally, the unique flavor profile of Clean Cut Pizza sets it apart from traditional pizza and appeals to those who are looking for something new and different.


In conclusion, Clean Cut Pizza is a unique and innovative type of pizza that is gaining popularity in the pizza industry. Its patented cutting process creates a perfectly square slice without any jagged edges or toppings falling off, which makes it visually appealing and easy to eat. If you’re looking for a new and different type of pizza to try, Clean Cut Pizza is definitely worth checking out!

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What Are The Different Types Of Pizza Cutting?

There are two types of pizza cuts – the square cut and the pie cut. While the square cut has the pizza cut into a grid making each small corner a triangle the pie cut is the more traditional one where the pizza is cut into crisscrossed lines making each slice a triangular shape.

Why Do Italians Cut Pizza With Scissors?

As he explained to Food & Wine, the process is actually a tradition that can be traced back to pizza’s home country. In Italy, he recounts, pizza shops, typically those serving long slab pizza styles like Pizza al Taglio or Pizza Bianca alla Romana, use scissors to customize slice size for each customer.

Can You Cut A Pizza Without A Pizza Cutter?

If you don’t have a pizza cutter on hand, Kim recommends a larger chef’s knife that’s big enough to fit the circumference of your pizza. To cut, you can rock the knife back and forth; however, unlike the pizza cutter, Kim recommends waiting before you start to slice.

Why Do Restaurants Not Cut Pizza?

If a pizza it cut before it’s served, the topping will pour out of the base, ruining the appearance of the pizza and it will wet the edges, which are meant to stay dry, spoiling the character of the traditional Italian pizza.


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